The Four Seasons of Toowoomba

Toowoomba’s weather has much to delight any prospective visitor, and probably contributes to the ongoing stream of people making their permanent home in the Garden City. With its four distinct seasons, the weather is definitely a drawcard.

Its height above sea level makes it an ideal spot to take advantage of outdoor sports and recreation activities all year round.

Foremost in the minds of the locals is the outstanding displays of colours as part of the annual Carnival of Flowers. Now in its 76th year, the activities of various flower and floral art societies come alive for the whole month of September and the city bursts forth with riotous colour. The highlight is the annual Floral Parade which draws crowds from all over the state. At the core of the Carnival are the themed beds of annuals in Queen’s Park and Laurel Bank Park were the flowers are spectacular. Businesses display themed creations in their windows, and Champion Gardens are hotly contested.

During the summer months the streets are carpeted in purple from the many mature jacaranda trees, the long-necked agapanthus and velvety salvias beckoning from suburban gardens. There is a strong sense of pride in private gardens as well as the 120 plus public parks and gardens dottedcthroughout the Toowoomba area. The work of keeping the Garden City green and colourful is proudly executed by the wonderful team of Toowoomba Regional Council Parks and Gardens.

As soon as the September Spring Carnival is over, the team is already clearing beds and planning for its next year’s theme and planting schedule. The State Rose Garden at Newtown Park enjoys the warmer weather and the fragrance of the roses filters through the air on pleasant summer evenings. Home gardeners put in a lot of effort to fill their gardens with fresh, healthy fruit and vegetables to boost the regional love of fine food. Summer rain showers help to keep the warmer temperatures balanced.

Autumn is the season of changing colours on the leaves of Toowoomba’s historic tree-lined inner city streets, and the Japanese Garden at the University of Southern Queensland exhibit all the warm oranges, reds and browns, with leaves swirling on the ground to herald the cooler, but very pleasant temperatures. It is the ideal time for picnics.

Winter – These thoughts from Matthew Dolley, owner and garden expert from The Grove Country Gardens at Pittsworth, sum up the local winter experience.

” So this time of year is when the weather starts to cool down. We are looking at doing all those jobs that’ll set us up for success come Spring and Summer – this means pruning back things that have flowered like salvias, roses and summer flowering perennials. We want to make sure all of our Spring bulbs and flowering annuals are planted in the ground. We want to make sure that we are preparing our soil – so adding compost, mulching and getting the weeds under control while the weather is cooler makes it a little bit easier and getting our soil covered with mulch will help reduce weeds recurring. It is a great time of year to care for all the garden tools to be cleaned, sharpened and stored correctly.”

Toowoomba has a variety of garden nurseries to cater for the beginning gardener to the expert, and there is always someone who will share cuttings and advice. It is no wonder that Toowoomba’s reputation for its floral beauty thrives.

Each season offers something different. The weather encourages domestic visitors and international students to enjoy the benefits of the differences, and to take advantage of being so close to the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. Toowoomba’s weather is just ideal.

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